23.07.2015 tarihli Aleksandr Shevchenko v. Russia kararı, uyuşturucu madde suçları ile ilgili şüphe üzerine tutuklu bulunan bir kişi ile ilgilidir. Bay Shevchenko, Sözleşmenin 5. maddesinde yer alan özgürlük ve güvenlik hakkına dayanarak, bir yıl altı ay süren tutukluluk süresinin gerekçelendirilmediğini ve bu tutuklamanın devamı kararlarına karşı yapmış olduğu itiraz başvurularının da hızlı bir şekilde gözden geçirilmediğini iddia etmiştir. AİHM de ulusal mahkemelerin, tutuklu bulunma için, başvurucunun kişisel durumunu değerlendirmede ve delillerle desteklenen somut ve olaya özgü nedenler göstermede yetersiz kaldıklarını belirtmiş ayrıca içtihat hukukuna atıfla (örneğin, Idalov v. Russia [GC], no. 5826/03) başvurucunun Sözleşme’nin 5/3 ve 5/4 maddelerinde korunan haklarının ihlal edildiği sonucuna ulaşmıştır.
Aleksandr Shevchenko v. Russia kararı, “http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/” adresinden erişilebilirdir.
Aleksandr Shevchenko v. Russia kararının basın duyurusu, “http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/app/conversion/pdf?library=ECHR&id=003-5138727-6345526&filename=Judgments%20and%20decisions%20of%2023.07.15.pdf” adresinden erişilebilirdir.
Bu basın duyurusunun özeti, İngilizce haliyle, aşağıdaki gibidir:
Aleksandr Shevchenko v. Russia (no. 48243/11)
The applicant, Aleksandr Shevchenko, is a Russian national who was born in 1979 and lives in Volzhskiy, Volgograd region (Russia).
The case concerned his pre-trial detention on suspicion of drug offences.
Mr Shevchenko was arrested in October 2010 on charges of attempted drug trafficking and, the charges subsequently being reclassified to purchase and storage of drugs, was convicted in April 2012 and sentenced to three years’ imprisonment. Before the referral of his criminal case for trial, he was detained on the basis of individual detention orders; after referral, he was detained on the basis of a collective detention order, which included his co-defendants. Mr Shevchenko’s appeals against his continued detention during the whole period of that detention were rejected, the judicial authorities referring to the gravity of the charges against him (and later also against his codefendants) and the risk that he/his co-defendants might abscond or reoffend. He was ultimately granted early release in February 2013.
Relying mainly on Article 5 §§ 3 and 4 (right to liberty and security) of the Convention, Mr Shevchenko alleged that his pre-trial detention for one year and six months had not been justified and that his appeals against certain detention orders (made in January and September 2011 and February 2012) had not been examined speedily.
Violation of Article 5 § 3
Violation of Article 5 § 4
Just satisfaction: 6,500 euros (EUR) (non-pecuniary damage)