12.12.2015 tarihli Bărbulescu v. Romania başvurusunda, Bay Bărbulescu, iç düzenlemelerin ihlali olarak, çalışma saatleri esnasında kişisel amaçlarla çalıştığı şirketin internetini kullanmasından ötürü işvereni tarafından işten çıkarılmıştır. Mahkemeye göre, Bay Bărbulescu’nun özel hayatı ve yazışmaları söz konusu olmakla birlikte, işvereninin onun haberleşmesini izlemesi, disiplin muameleleri bağlamında makul görülmelidir. Sonuç olarak, AİHS md. 8, ihlal edilmemiştir.
Bărbulescu v. Romania kararı, “http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/” adresinden erişilebilirdir.
Bărbulescu v. Romania kararının basın duyurusu,
“http://hudoc.echr.coe.int/app/conversion/pdf?library=ECHR&id=003-5268562-6546349&filename=Judgment%20Barbulescu%20v.%20Romania%20-%20monitoring%20of%20an%20employee%u2019s%20%20use%20of%20the%20Internet%20and%20his%20resulting%20dismissal.pdf” adresinden erişilebilirdir.
Bu basın duyurusunun özeti, İngilizce haliyle, aşağıdaki gibidir:
Monitoring of an employee’s use of the Internet and his resulting dismissal was justified
In today’s Chamber judgment in the case of Bărbulescu v. Romania (application no. 61496/08) the European Court of Human Rights held, by six votes to one, that there had been:
no violation of Article 8 (right to respect for private and family life, the home and correspondence) of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The case concerned Mr Bărbulescu’s dismissal by his employer, a private company, for having used the company’s Internet for personal purposes during working hours in breach of internal regulations.
The Court found, in particular, that Mr Bărbulescu’s private life and correspondence had been engaged. However his employer’s monitoring of his communications had been reasonable in the context of disciplinary proceedings.